2 down, 14 to go.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

2 weeks into the semester and already I have so much work to do. I'm just glad I'm staying on top of everything... well, I'm trying to.

I'm somewhat glad that I have a busy schedule this semester. I'm definitely going to have to manage my time more efficiently and effectively than before. School and work, plus the work load from all my classes.

Yeah, I'm going to die.

I just hope I can redeem myself this semester. I can't afford to falter, again.

Work is great. Did I mention how much I enjoy working at B&N? Well, if I haven't... now you know. You should come visit me some time. Well, if I'm there. ^_^

I miss random outings. G'Mae, you need to move to SoCal. :P