Love life? What's that?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It seems to be a recurring topic, one of the most irrelevant topics in my life that I'd rather not discuss.

Why, you ask?

Because I am lacking in that area of my life.

Partially by choice. And well, let's be frank ladies, most guys are stupid.
And the guys who could be good enough, end up being just friends.

It's not that I don't wonder what it would be like to have someone, other than close friends, to be there for me whenever I need them to be. I just haven't had much luck in finding someone who understands me that way.

"Put yourself out there."

I thought I was, am. I guess not. But whatever.

Sure, I may be missing out on one of my most important experiences to have in life, but who's to say what you need in your life but yourself. It's difficult for me to grasp onto the notion that you need someone else in your life for it to be complete. It's not a necessity to me. I've learned to be happy on my own without having to depend on someone else. It's an accomplishment.

I have other things in my life that I need to focus on and my love life, obviously, isn't a priority. I'm not like other girls who sit around hoping, praying, wishing that love would waltz right in their lives. Nor am I a girl who will go out to find love anywhere. The reality of it all, I'd rather focus on ME.

I don't need a man in my life to make me happy, damnit!

Why is that so hard to believe?

Is it because this society portrays women as dependent of men? Is it also a cultural thing?

I don't believe it. And I don't need someone to tell me otherwise.

Thank you, for opening up to me. I have insight into your personality. But damn, I don't need a lecture about having, finding, needing, a love life. That's just additional stress for me, I think.

I'm 22. I don't care if I'm in a relationship right now. If that's so hard to believe, then your just wasting your time talking to me about it, hoping that you're going to get some insight into my view of relationships. I have none. Movies don't tell me anything about what a real relationship is like. Sure, I have friends who are in relationships but their experiences are going to be totally different from mine.. whenever that will happen.

I know relationships aren't planned; they just happen. But when there isn't any potential around, that's kind of hard to even think about and consider.

I'm not a cynic. Not one bit. I believe that Love is one of the most important things in life that we can have and learn from. But Love doesn't come in one form. Family, camaraderie, and Self love...that's what I have. Romantic love can wait. I know it's a different type of love, but I'd rather wait than risk putting myself out there and getting hurt.

I've been single for a long time; it's practically all I know.
And I don't think I can leave my comfort zone.

I haven't found a person who can make me feel comfortable enough where I can trust them fully, basically with my life. That's a big risk, and the only person I trust with my life is myself.

Until that day, single and unattached is how it is. And there's nothing wrong with it.

Stop making me think otherwise, and stop beating around the damn bush!! Just say what you need to say instead of trying to give me life lessons. I didn't ask.


Ahh! I need to get away. Thank God, for this NorCal trip.


cztt.c said...

you said it girl!
*high five*

oh but i still like the movies so don't hate. haha.